Friday, January 18, 2008

تجربي و انساني روزانه 81_82

كلمه هاي ناقص در جمله هاي زير را كامل كنيد.

1/2. John does str-ng-things.He can walk on a r-pe.
3/4. He needs shelter to pr-te-t him from e-tr-me heat or cold.
5/6. such projects are not available for ordin-ry com-ercial users.
7/8.when man lives laone d-s-ase may a-a-k him.

از گروه كلمه هاي داده شده زير كلمه مناسب را انتخاب كنيد و در جملات به كار ببريد.

Aware/steep/nervous/costly/qualified/consume/in return/career/translators/ignorance
9.He was so ……… from the news that he couldn’t sit down.
10.I m afraid . you are not ………….enough for this job.
11. Its very difficult to ride a bicycle on roaks which are too ……….
12.John had a successful………… architecture, but he changed his job.
13. If I give you a book,what will you give rne……..?
14. some of the ……….are very experienced and it takes a short time for them to do their job.
15. The subway project has become too…for the government.
16.Underdeveloped countries……….mere than they produce.
17.Not many pople are ………of the adbantages of education.
18. Is she a carful person? "No,she does things by…….

از ستون B كلمه مناسب با تعريف هاي ستون A‌را انتخاب كنيد.

19. hard surface
20. to some extant
21.stage of social development wrong
23.the ability to realize right and wrong
24. to rest or move on the surface of a liquid

e.moral sense

پاسخ مناسب را انتخاب كنيد.

25.Producers cannot succeed unless they pay close attention to the needs of their………….
1. organizers
2. consumers
4. actors

26. Those who eat whatever they find ………their health.
1. cancel

27.Sugar………in hot tea faster than in cold tea.
1. applies

28. when I …… answers with the teachers. I found why I had made that mistake.
1. compared
2. handled
3. managed

29. someone may think free education can solve all the problems of …. And build a perfect nation.
1. diplomacy
2. economy
4. society

30. A solution to the problem of unemployment in villages is to encourage the …….of small businesses there.
1. appointment
2 .development
3. experiment
4. instrument

31. scientists have ……..that the worlds population will double by thd end of the 21th century.
1. calculated
2. disappointed
3. offended
4. succeeded

32. A large mosque will be ………near our school next month.
4. calculated

پاسخ مناسب را انتخاب كنيد.

33. That picture is ………..heavy to hang ……on the wall.
1. too/ it
2. so / it
3. too/____

34.were any of them hurt in the fire?
No, and firemen got…. To save their house.
1. there quickly enough
2. quickly enough there
3.there enough quickly
4. enough quickly there

35. Id called him up befor ;
1. had you
2. would I
3. would you
4. had I

36. I ll have my son ……in that institute.
1. train
2. to train

37.There seems to be a baby in the sitting room.
Yes, I can hear it ……..
1. to play
2. crying
3. cry

38. The missing boys werd playin near the river.
They were last seen ……near the river.
1. to play
2. play

39.Hes never tired of stuying and………
1. so is mary
2. mary has too
3. mary hasn’t either
4. neither is mary

40.A : I wonder why john didn’t come to the meeting.
B: He …….have known about it .
1. shouldn’t
2. could
4. might not

41. He wanted to make himself…….
To the foreigner, but he didn’t know English a lot.
1. to understand
2. underestnd
3. understood

42. Did you buy a new car?
No , I had enough money and I …. A new car but I decided not to .
1. may buy
2. shoulg bay
3. might have bought
4. could have bought

با كلمه ها و عبارات داده شده جمله ها را كامل كنيد.

43.Mary didn’t take her children with her and her sister didn’t either.(so)
Mary took…………………….

44. Maryam can speak English and her brother can too.
Maryam ……………................(neither)

45.Did you go to the cinema last night? (could)
No,I ……………, but I didn’t.

46. The children are in the park. I can hear them.
………………………..(to play)

47.Did you have the birthday cake made?
No, I am goin to have it ……..tomorrow.(to make)

با توجه به توضيحات داده شده جملات ناقص را كامل كنيد.

48. Did your father buy that home? No, he didn’t
It……………small…………… live in.

49.Mr. kashani is still eating.He began eating at 9oclock.
Mr , kashani………………..for two hours.

مكالمه هاي ستون A,B را مرتب كنيد.

50. Im looking for the public library.
51. Id like these books, please.
52. would you like to come over tonight?
53. your chil is spilling ink on the floor.
54. my uncle is sick in hospital.
55. what would you like?

a. oh, I do apologize
b. certainly , that ll be 2000 toman
c. just a cup of tea, please.
d. I d love to, but we have a test.
e. Turn left into zand street.
f. That’s a pity!
g. Theres one in half an hour.

كدام جمله از نظر تن صدا (intonation) با بقيه فرق مي كند.

56. does your father come here?
2. I want to see john.
3.That child is sick.
4. what are you doing now?

در گروه كلمه هاي داده شده يك كلمه از نظر تكيه (فشار صوت) با بقيه متفاوت است آن را مشخص كنيد.

57. 1. resource
2. myself
3. exercise
4. fourteen

با توجه به مفهوم جمله هاي داده شده پاسخ صحيح را انتخاب كنيد.

58. Leonardo was the student of a painter, and he become one of the most famous painters who have ever lived.
The above sentence tells us that…………..
1. no painter has ever been as famous Leonardo
2. Lenardo is considered one of the most famous painters in the history of art.
3. famous painters have had students like lionardo.
4. Leonardo has been the most famous painter of the world.

59. A society cannot work successfully unless thd freedom of each human being is to some extent limited so that he is kept from hurting others.
From thd above sentence we understand that………
1. a society cannot work successfully if people ard free in that society.
2. a successful society is a free society
3. if a human being is kept from hurting other, he is successful.
4. to have a successful society, people should give up some of their freedom.

60. The next stage is to develop a system which can be used on microcomputers in an ordinary office. From the above sentence we understand that……….
1. such a system is being used in small offices now.
2. There will be a system which can be used on microcomputers.
3. Already there is a system which can be microcomputers.
4. It is impossible to develop a system which can be used on microcomputers.

متن زير را بخوانيد و با گزينه هاي مناسب آن را كامل كنيد.

Some countries , like the USA , have tried to reach the moon. A sohort 61 …. Ago, three Americans went up in a 62 ….. named Apollo. Two of them 63 ….safely on the moon. They 64 ….. safely to the earth. There are many problems in traveling into 65….. scientists could not 66 … men to the moon 67 … they solved the 68 …..for example, there is no oxygen for men to breathe.
61.1. year 2.times 3.time 4.tense
62. 1. plane 2. spaceship 3.submaricne 4.boat
63. 1.landed 2.took off up 4.pickedup
64. 1. I gave back 2. put pu 3. came back 4. picked up
65. 1. darkness 2. sky 3. ground 4. space
66. 1. travel 3. send 4.get on
67. 1. till 2. after 3.when 4.for
68. 1. problems 2.computers 3.limitations 4.protections

متن زير را بخوانيد و به سؤالات آن پاسخ دهيد . و يا پاسخهاي مناسب را انتخاب كنيد.

For the human baby, the period of complete dependence on his mother is longer than it is for the young of any other animal. Even when the child is able to feed himself, he must still depend on the guidance and protection of his elders for many years to come. One might ask why this function could not be left to some kind of organization so that parents might be free to do other duties. The answer, of course lies in the fact that children need more than physical attention. They must have love as well, and this is what only the family can provide. An unloved child will be unable to love people as he grows up.

69. what is the difference between the human baby and the young of other animals?
70. what cant a child whom nobody loves do?
71. what does the word this in line 7 refer to ?

72. According to the passage, a child ………..
1. need no help at all
2. can never feed himself
3. needs his mothers protection
4.should be left alone

73. The best word that can be used instead of elders in line 3 is …….
1. parents
2. people
3. robbers

Ture or false:
74. According to the passage, children pay attention to physics. ( )
75. Mother need protection of their children.( )

1 comment:

kaeg said...

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