Friday, January 18, 2008

رياضي شبانه

ديكته :‌درهر جمله يك كلمه ناقص وجود دارد، آن كلمه را بطور كامل در پاسخنامه بنويسيد.

1.Leonardo is an architect and an (inv-ntro).
2. Now, I am (dis – ppo – nted) with him.
3. The young plants need (prot – ction) against the heat.
4. The advantages of such an (agr- ement) are great.
5. we have had a good (dipl-ma-y) in these years.
6. About 70% of your body wight is ( l- quid).

براي خاي خالي هر جمله يك كلمه را متناسب با معني انتخاب كنيد و در پاسخنامه بنويسيد:

1. This housing …….has become very costly.
2. You will soon learn about his bad …. You can never trust him.
3. They are playing in the sand at the waters ……
4. I know my own …….. as a painter.
6. That is my personal ……..and not the companys.
7. If you hold a glass under the hot tap, it may …..quite soon.
8. You can not ……him in the subject easily.
9. They live in a ………country, and try to improve it quickly.
10 . More information becomes……….through the use of computer.

فرم صحيح كلمات را انتخاب كنيد.

11. He has a good …….of painting which is very costly.
(collect – collection – collective – collectively)

12 .He has always had grat ………in his life.
(succeseful – success – successfully- succeed)

13.I am tired of working , but I cant ……. Them by retiring.
(disappointment – disappoint – disappointed- disappointing)

14. A lot of Lenardos machines did not work ………..
(successful – success – successfully-succeed)

15. It is possible to get …….from hunger and thirst.
(society – property – freedom – disease)

16. This machine has increased the ………… of electronic devices.
(production – producing – productive – produce)

براي هر تعريف از ستون A يك كلمه از ستون B انتخاب كنيد و در پاسخ نامه بنويسيد.

Word Defintions
A ستون
17. to rest or move on the surface of a liquid or in the air:
18. ready to face danger:
19. stage of social development:
20. The ability to realize right or wrong:
21. Needing immediate decision or action.
22. take somebody away form danger :

a- civilization
b- urgent
c- float
d- save
e- brave
f- healthy
g- moral sense

جملات ستون A را با جملات ستون B‌ كامل كنيد و جواب قسمت B را در پاسخنامه بنويسيد :

Language function : مكالمه
A ستون
23. can you tell me where the office is ?
24. Id like some ice – cream, please.
25. you have given me the wrong change.
26. I hurt my leg playing football.
27. I think Iv lost my new glasses.

B ستون
a- I do apologize. Sir
b – I am sorry to hear it.
C – Im afraid I cant
d- we haven’t got any left
e - Just near the elevator.
F – That’s a pity !

سؤالات تستي چهارجوابي :

Multiple choice Questions :
28. He wasn’t strong ………to carry thd suitcase.
(enough – so – too – very)

29 .The students had ……homework that they were busy all the day.

30. These shoes are very heavy. I need a pair of ……. Shoes for
running. (small – expensive – light – cheaper)

31. Lastly, I decided to learn English, The wora Lastly means.
(first – firstly – final – finally)

32. He oppend the cages and let the birds … their home.
(flying away – to fly away – fly away – fly)

33. He has no ability to realize right and wrong.He does whatever he likes.
(moral sense – property – development – advantage)

34 . There was an accident, we all heard the …….
(sound – crowd – voice – crash)

35. He is ready to face danger. He Knows no fea. : The underlined words mean:
(architect – brave – painter – crowd)

36. He wrotea letter to his friend , and ………
(so she did – she too did – she did too – so does she)

37. parents should know the advantage pf a good book. The word advantage
means : (important – benefit – major – edit)

38 . John …….. a blue shirt since last Monday.
(has worn – has been wron – has been wearing – have been wearing)

39. I got a mechanic …… car yesterday.
(fix – to fix – fixed – would fix)

40 . I can hear a bady ……… the bedroom.
(to cry – cries – cry – crying)

41 . You should have a high opinion for his wishes.
(Protect – respect – advantage – moral sense)

42. He showed extreme joy when he learned about his grads. What is the meaninge of the word extreme.
(certainly – support – do wrong – the gratest possible)

43.Ali enjoys horse riding. He usually hires a horse . The word hires is the
synonym of : (uses – costs –rents – takes)

44. There is an open area with streets on all its sides. We call it ferdowsi ………
(junction – square – block – avenue)

45. He developed a very expensive house and sold it quit soon the synonym of expensive is :
(conscious – very large – costly – serious)

گرامر : با توجه به مفاهيم هر جمله : جاي خالي هر سؤال را كامل كنيد و پاسخ را در پاسخ نامه بنويسيد .(جواب را بطور كامل بنويسيد)

46. The house was very small. We couldn’t live in it.(too)
…………..was………….small for us to ……… it.

47. John put on a blue shirt last Monday. Hes still wearning it .
John ………………………………………………..

48 . I missed the bus to Azadi street and so did he.(will miss)
I …………the bus to Azadi street and so ……………he.

49 . An insect was crawling up my leg.
I noticed …………………………….

50 . she didn’t make the tea herself.
She had got it ………….yesterday.

51. she didn’t make the tea herself.
She had got it ……………yesterday.

در متن زير هشت جاي خالي وجود دارد. جاي خالي را با يكي از گزينه ها كامل كنيد و آن كلمه را در پاسخنامه بنويسيد:

(cloze passage)
There is one subject ………(52) us more than any other. There is one subject we ……….. (53) a whole life – time studying: ourselves ! we see everything in the ………..(54)in relation to ourselves. . In this way, we sometimes …….(55) ourselves better. We often ……….(56) ourselves with other pople, and try to see our selves as others see us. Have you ever read, about the ……..(57) of the grat French painter paul pauguin? He had a successful …..….(58) in banking . He suddenly left his family and his job and devoted the ………..(59) of his life to painting:
52. ignores – interests – attacks – offends.
53 . develop – respect – spend – design
54 . universe – house – society – country – debelop – respect – understand
56 . fasten – compare – join – limit.
57. life – accent – nature – personality
58 . period – property – life – career
59 – rest – whole – extent – mark

درك مطلب :
متن زير را به دقت بخوانيد و به سؤالات آن در پاسخنامه پاسخ دهيد.

When men become organized into very large groups, and civilization develops ,it is possible to get freedom from hunger, thirst, cold, heat and many diseases, so that each person can live a happier life than he could if he were living along, but such a society cannot work successfully unless the freedom of each human being is to some extent limited so that he is kept from hurting others. I an not free to kill others, nor to steal someone elses property, nor to behave in a way that offends against the moral sense of thd society in which I live. I have to limit my own freedom myself so that others will not limit it too much :
I agree to respect the rights of others, and in return they agree to respect mine.

(توجه كنيد‌! جاي سؤال درك مطلب در پاسخنامه بعد از متن كوتاه قرار دارد)

63. what would a man get by living in a society?
It is possible………………………..

64. How can a society work successfully?
When the freedom of each………………………….

65. what do the pople agree to do in a civilized society?
They agree to ……………………………………

سؤالهاي(درست True) يا ( غلط false) :‌جملات شماره 66 و 67 را بخوانيد و در مقايسه با متن درك مطلب، اگر درست است در پاسخنامه T و اگر غلط است حرف F بگذاريد.

66. people are not free to behave in a way offends against the moral sense of the society.
67. In a civilized society, people are kept from hurting others.

متن كوتاه :‌جمله هاي زير را به دقت بخوانيد و با توجه به معني هر جمله، يكي از جوابها را كه داراي معني مشابه است short passage انتخاب نمائيد و حرف مقابل جواب را در پاسخنامه بنويسيد(فقط حرف را بنويسيد و از نوشتن جمله خودداري كنيد)

60 . Leonard invented many interesting machines, but a lof of his nachines did not work very well.
A. His machines did not work at all.
B. The machines he invented were useless.
C. Most of Leonardos machines did not work well.
D. The machines invented by Leonardo were not interesting.

61. When men become organized into very large groups, and civilation develops, it is possible to get freedom from many diseases.
A. people may be free from illnesses if they live together in groups.
B. If people are arganized to gether, they are free from living.
C. By living together, we can live happily.
D.we will live happeir life if we live alone.

62.There are limitations to what M.T can do . It can translate only eight words often.
A. computers can not translate all the words correctly. The texts may have a few mistakes.
B. computer always translate the words correctly.
C. M.T texts translated by computers are full of mistakes.
D. Time is saved by machine translation.

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