كلمه هاي ناقص در جمله هاي زير را كامل كنيد. |
1/2. John does str-ng-things.He can walk on a r-pe. |
از گروه كلمه هاي داده شده زير كلمه مناسب را انتخاب كنيد و در جملات به كار ببريد. |
Aware/steep/nervous/costly/qualified/consume/in return/career/translators/ignorance |
از ستون B كلمه مناسب با تعريف هاي ستون Aرا انتخاب كنيد. |
A |
پاسخ مناسب را انتخاب كنيد. |
25.Producers cannot succeed unless they pay close attention to the needs of their…………. |
پاسخ مناسب را انتخاب كنيد. |
33. That picture is ………..heavy to hang ……on the wall. |
با كلمه ها و عبارات داده شده جمله ها را كامل كنيد. |
43.Mary didn’t take her children with her and her sister didn’t either.(so) |
با توجه به توضيحات داده شده جملات ناقص را كامل كنيد. |
48. Did your father buy that home? No, he didn’t |
مكالمه هاي ستون A,B را مرتب كنيد. |
كدام جمله از نظر تن صدا (intonation) با بقيه فرق مي كند. |
56. does your father come here? |
در گروه كلمه هاي داده شده يك كلمه از نظر تكيه (فشار صوت) با بقيه متفاوت است آن را مشخص كنيد. |
57. 1. resource |
با توجه به مفهوم جمله هاي داده شده پاسخ صحيح را انتخاب كنيد. |
58. Leonardo was the student of a painter, and he become one of the most famous painters who have ever lived. |
متن زير را بخوانيد و با گزينه هاي مناسب آن را كامل كنيد. |
Some countries , like the USA , have tried to reach the moon. A sohort 61 …. Ago, three Americans went up in a 62 ….. named Apollo. Two of them 63 ….safely on the moon. They 64 ….. safely to the earth. There are many problems in traveling into 65….. scientists could not 66 … men to the moon 67 … they solved the 68 …..for example, there is no oxygen for men to breathe. |
متن زير را بخوانيد و به سؤالات آن پاسخ دهيد . و يا پاسخهاي مناسب را انتخاب كنيد. |
For the human baby, the period of complete dependence on his mother is longer than it is for the young of any other animal. Even when the child is able to feed himself, he must still depend on the guidance and protection of his elders for many years to come. One might ask why this function could not be left to some kind of organization so that parents might be free to do other duties. The answer, of course lies in the fact that children need more than physical attention. They must have love as well, and this is what only the family can provide. An unloved child will be unable to love people as he grows up. |
Friday, January 18, 2008
تجربي و انساني روزانه 81_82
رياضي شبانه
ديكته :درهر جمله يك كلمه ناقص وجود دارد، آن كلمه را بطور كامل در پاسخنامه بنويسيد. |
Spelling: |
براي خاي خالي هر جمله يك كلمه را متناسب با معني انتخاب كنيد و در پاسخنامه بنويسيد: |
فرم صحيح كلمات را انتخاب كنيد. |
11. He has a good …….of painting which is very costly. |
براي هر تعريف از ستون A يك كلمه از ستون B انتخاب كنيد و در پاسخ نامه بنويسيد. |
Word Defintions |
جملات ستون A را با جملات ستون B كامل كنيد و جواب قسمت B را در پاسخنامه بنويسيد : |
Language function : مكالمه |
سؤالات تستي چهارجوابي : |
Multiple choice Questions : |
گرامر : با توجه به مفاهيم هر جمله : جاي خالي هر سؤال را كامل كنيد و پاسخ را در پاسخ نامه بنويسيد .(جواب را بطور كامل بنويسيد) |
Structure |
در متن زير هشت جاي خالي وجود دارد. جاي خالي را با يكي از گزينه ها كامل كنيد و آن كلمه را در پاسخنامه بنويسيد: |
(cloze passage) |
درك مطلب : |
Comperhersion (توجه كنيد! جاي سؤال درك مطلب در پاسخنامه بعد از متن كوتاه قرار دارد)
سؤالهاي(درست True) يا ( غلط false) :جملات شماره 66 و 67 را بخوانيد و در مقايسه با متن درك مطلب، اگر درست است در پاسخنامه T و اگر غلط است حرف F بگذاريد. |
66. people are not free to behave in a way offends against the moral sense of the society. |
متن كوتاه :جمله هاي زير را به دقت بخوانيد و با توجه به معني هر جمله، يكي از جوابها را كه داراي معني مشابه است short passage انتخاب نمائيد و حرف مقابل جواب را در پاسخنامه بنويسيد(فقط حرف را بنويسيد و از نوشتن جمله خودداري كنيد) |
60 . Leonard invented many interesting machines, but a lof of his nachines did not work very well. |
جبراني كليه رشته ها
ديكته : در هر جمله يك كلمه ناقص وجود دارد. آن كلمه را بطور كامل در پاسخنامه بنويسيد. |
1. You have to be conc-rned about the pollution. |
Vocaburary: براي هر جمله يك كلمه را متناسب با معني جمله انتخاب كنيد ودر پاسخنامه بنويسيد. |
Social – victims – assistance – mental – closely – will – fine – overactive – discover- resue |
يكي از كلمات ستون B را متناسب با هر يك از جملات ستون Aانتخاب كنيد و در پاسخنامه بنويسيد . |
A ستون |
متن زير را به دقت بخوانيد و جاي خالي را با يكي از گزينه ها پر كنيد و فقط گزينه صحيح را در پاسخنامه بنويسيد. |
Charles Dickens, The English …….(25), was one of the most famous writer Of all time. He was a good ….(26) of life , and had a great understanding ...................(27) and needy people.Many of the events and people in his boods are base on events and people in his life.at the age of 12, charles ………(28)in a London factory . He held the job only a short time,but the unpleasant ……..(29) of that factory had a lasting effect on his………(30). He never spoke of it to his wife or his children in later years. |
سؤالات تستي چهار جوابي : فقط علامت حرف مقابل هر گزينه را در پاسخنامه بنويسيد. |
31. If we ………the map,we coul not have found the way. |
قواعد دستوري : جواب هر سؤال را بطور كامل در پاسخنامه بنويسيد. |
43. They couldn’t go fishing because the sea was stormy.( calm) |
A – در بين كلمات زير كدام كلمه از نظر stress با بقيه كلمات تفاوت دارد. آن كلمه را در پاسخنامه بنويسيد. |
47.(forget- police- animal – mechanic) |
B- در بين كلمات زير كدام كلمه از نظر حروف صدادار(vowel sound) با كلمات ديگر متفاوت است آنرا در پاسخنامه بنويسيد. |
48.(plain – death – they – great – name) |
متن كوتاه : |
هر قسمت را بخوانيد و بهترين پاسخ را متناسب با معني آن پيدا كنيد و فقط حرف مقابل آن جمله را در پاسخنامه بنوسيد. Short passage: |
مكالمه : براي هريك از پرسشهاي ستون A يك پاسخ از ستون B انتخاب كنيد.(فقط حروف را بنويسيد). |
A ستون |
درك مطلب : متن را بخوانيد و به سؤالات آن پاسخ دهيد. |
Comprehension: (سؤال 55 و 56و57 هر كدام 1 نمره و سؤال 58 و 59 هر كدام نمره دارند) 55. How do people spend their free time? |
جمله هاي 58 و 59 را با True با false پاسخ دهيد. |
58. sports are solely for participants…………….. |
علوم رياضي
Note : write and check all the answers on the answer sheet. |
1. After a long discu-sion with his parents, he decided to continue his education. |
II – Vocabulary : A: fillin the blands with the appropriate words from the list below. Therd is one extra word. |
Intimate – zone – assistance – liquid – bring up – disturb – closely – fine – achieve – sysptoms – belong to |
B: word Definitions: Match the definitions in column A with the words in column B There is one extra word in column B |
A |
C: choose the best choice. |
20. The rescue ……..is to start tomorrow morning. |
III- structure: A. Choose the correct answer. |
24. She made a big mistake and gave up her job. She wishes that she ………up her job. |
B.Complete the reported sentences. Suppose you are reporting them some time later. |
32. Nader said, I am goin away tomorrow, mother. |
C. Rewirte the sentences using – ing verb phrase or having + pp |
34. I was short of money. I couldn’t afford to buy the computer. |
D. Complete the sentence based on the situation given. |
36. He couldn’t type the letter because he wasn’t table to work with a computer. |
Iv- Language function : |
A1 |
V – pronunciation: |
45 . a. person |
B. In each set fot words one is different from the others according to its vowel sound write different items on the answer sheet. |
47. a . box |
VI – Reading comprehension: |
50. Mashhad is usually invaded by pilgrims in the summer. The sentence means that …………. |
B. Read the following passage and answer the questions. |
The first true piece of sports equipment that man invented was a ball. In ancient Egypt, as everywhere, throwing stones was a favorite childrens game. But a badly thrown rock could hurt a child. Lookinig for something less dangerous to throw, the Egyptains made what were probably the first balls. At first , balls were made of grass or leaves held together by pieces of rope. Later they were made of pieces of animal skin which were joined together and were filled with feathers or dry grass. Even though the Egyptins were interested and skilled in fighting wars, they found time for peaceful games. Befor long they had developed a number of ball games, each with its own set of rules. Perhaps they played ball more for instruction than for fun. Ball playing was thought of mainly as a way to teach young men the speed and skill they would need for war. |
Ture / False |
60 . Ball playing games were invented in ancient Egypt cloze passage: Fill in the blanks with best options. Water is mans most important natural resource. He ___62 it for drinking and home use, farming,______63 to run his machines. Fishing, relaxation and _____64 for boating. Bt usable water is not as ____65 as the need for it. For centuries men have ____66 each other over the right to ____67the rivers and seas which are so ____68 to life . Becaues the earth water ___69 dosent exixt in equal amount in each area. One area ___70 from flood while another is dry and still another has suitable___71. Mans efforts to control water has not always been____72. Although in some areas great ___73have been made, and desert regions have become green, in other areas the balance of nature has been disturbed. |
روزانه علوم تجربي و انساني
كلمه هاي ناقص جمله هاي زير را كامل كنيد و در پاسخنامه بنويسيد. 1/2. These collecions of aerosolsr_ flect the suns heat and therefore c_ _ se the Earth to cool. |
از گروه كلمه هاي داده شده زير كلمه مناسب هر جملات را انتخاب كنيد و در پاسخنامه بنويسيد. |
Attended – zone – referee – victim – employed – located – disturb – mental – overactive – supplier – mobile |
Word definition: از ستون B كلمه مناسب تعريف ستون A را انتخاب كنيد و در پاسخنامه بنويسيد. |
A |
پاسخ مناسب را انتخاب كنيد و در پاسخنامه بنويسيد. |
23.The student wishes he …………so many mistakes in the dictation last week. |
جملات ناقص را كامل كنيد و در پاسخنامه بنويسيد. |
33. Jim was playing tennis. He hurt his arm. |
Language fuction: مكالمه هاي ستون هاي A , B را جور كنيد و در پاسخنامه بنويسيد. |
A |
Pronunciation : |
46.a. supervision |
1 Sentence comprehension: |
48.He could have gotten a job easily if he had had a university degree. |
Cloze test : |
Very few of us can use both our hands 51 well. |
Reading comprehension : |
According to some experts, the younger people are basically different from thd older ones. The old no not underdstand all thd problems of the modern world. On the other hand, the younger people have grown up with these problems and are deeply concerned about them. The older people still control the business organization, government and education. They younger people want to make change in these areas to fit the needs of modem society. In order to put an end to their differences, both the older and younger people realize that the world has changed and that new responses are necessary for many problems of the society. |
مجموعه سوالات زبان انگليسي - پيش دانشگاهي
Note : write all the answers on the answer sheet.
I. spelling: fill in the blanks with the missing letters. Write the complete words on the answer sheet.
1. when water freezes, it becomes s-lid.
2. He is one of the vi-tims of Roodbar earthquake.
3. Many of them are for-ed to work when they are only ten years old.
4. Our ter-it – ry can be divided four zones.
5. please call me if you need any as –ist-nce.
II . vocabulary : A.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words from the list below.
There is one extra word.
Fines – involved – charge – pollution- supplies-overactive-rescue – solely – equip – impact – vehicle
6.His brother is deeply……..in business.
7. we buy some of our arms ……form other countries.
8. Nowadays, a serious problem in large cities is air………..
9. The government tries to …….our high schools with modern means of technology like,comuters,videos, etc.
10 . Most developed countries have experienced the …….of new technology on industry.
11. The united Nation is in ……..of maintaining peace all over the world.
12. Most of drivers obey the rules of traffic more carefully because of the heavier….
13. Firemen made a brave attempt to …….the students from the burning school.
14. An ambulance is a (n)………..used for carrying sick or injured people to a hospital.
15. The stress caused in overcrowded conditions causes some to be…………
7. supplies
8. pollution
9. equip
12. fines
13. rescue
B. Word Definitions : Match the definitions in column A whit the words in column B .
There is one extra word in column B.
16. to change the usual conditions of something
17. result of the researches and experiments
18. give somebody a very bad surprise.
19. stop somebody from doing something
20 . persons kept back for use when needed
21. to start a journey
22. to need or repuire
23. change in the body condition that is a sign of illness
a. set off
b. claim
c. symptom
d. disturb
e. rate
f. findings
g. shock
h. reserves
i. prevent
16. disturb
17. findings
18. shock
20. reserves
21. set off
22. claim
III. Structur : A. Choose the correct answer.
24. what would you have bought if you ………enough money?
b.had had
c.would have
d.have had
25.My friend is always tired because he goes to bed late.
I wish he …………to bed late.
a. wouldn’t go
b. didn’t go
c. hadn’t gone
d. doesn’t go
26. He ………that he didn’t know how to reapair his car.
a. asked
b. told
c. said
d. ordered
27.He hopped that we …….the journey the following week.
a. enjoy
b. have enjoyed
c. will enjoy
d. would enjoy
28. The policeman told me, Don’t park you car on this street.
The policeman warned me….. my car on that street.
a. don’t park
b. didn’t park
c. not to park
d. what I had done
29. john asked me …….after class the day before.
a. what I do
b. what did I do
c. what had I done
d. what I had done
30. My friend had an accident………to work yesterday.
a. driving
b. having driven
c. to drive
c. after driving
31. A: Do you still smoke?
B: No, I ………a month ago.
a. look it up
b. look up it
c. gave it up
d. gave up it
24. had had
25. wouldn’t go
27.would enjoy
28.not park
29.what I had done
30. driving
31.gave it up
B. complete the following reported sentences. You are reporting them after sometime.
32. Reza: I’m meeting my friend at the airport later today.
Reza said that ……………………………………
33. I asked my friend, when will you return the book I lent you two days ago?
I ask my friend when …………………………
32.Reza said that he was meeting his friend at the airport later that day.
33. asked my friend when he would return the book. I had lent him two days ago.
C. combine the following sentences using verb+ing or having + pp
34. Tom was walking in the rain. He got wet.
35. I wrote a letter, Then I mailed it on the school.
34. walking in the rain, Tom got wet.
35.Having written a letter, I mailed it on the way to school.
D. complete the following sentence based on the situation given.
36. I didn’t go to see her because didn’t tell the truth.
If you ……………………………….
36. If you had told me the tuth, I would have gone to see her.
IV . Language function: Match column A with colum B.There is 4 one extraitem in B
37.Has the house got a separate dining – room?
38. How longe does the trip take?
39. How often does the bus leave?
40. How can I get to the museum from here?
41. Is there anywhere for the children to play?
42. can I help you?
43.what does your watch look like?
44. Do you like living in Tajrish, Reza?
a.you should take a taxi.
b. yes, I want to buy a watch.
c. It’s a citizen.
d.yes it’s a good place to live.
e. No, it hasn’t.
f. 20 hours.
g. what a pity !
h. Every 15 minutes.
i. Yes there is park just down the street.
v. Pronunciation:
A. which of the following words has a different strees pattern.
45.a. never
46. a. telephone
A . 45.d
B. In each set of words one is different from the other according to its vowel sound.
Write the different items on the answer sheet.
47. a. plain
b. they
48 . a.add
b. back
c. warm
B. 47.c
49. which one of the following sentences has a different intonation pattern?
a. what are you doing?
B.can you hear his car?
c. why did he leave?
C. The story was long.
C. 49.b
VI . Reading comprehension: A. check the correct answer.
50 . The collection of aerosols reflect the suns heat and cause the Earth to become cool. In other words, another ice age will start if we ……………
a. continue to heat the Earth
b. don’t stop the spread of aerosols
c .increase to power of the sun
d. older relative pay their money to their parents
51. Somtimes a whole family group is employed, with the payment going to a parent or an older relative.
The above sentences tell us that…………….. .
a. The payment is giving all member of the family.
b. B. children work and they are paid money.
c. Children work but the payment is not given to them
d. Older relatives pay their money to their parents
52. Some animals need to stay in touch with each other. Losing contact with the group can be dangerous for them because they may be exposed to enemies.
We understand from the above sentences that some animals………
a. try to lose their contact with each other.
b. Need to have their contact with each other because they face enemies.
c. Should stand far from each other because they may expose to enemies.
d. Like to keep their contact with each other because they don’t like to be alone.
53. Team members keep their personal equipment at home as to be ready to set off within 15 minutes of receiving the call.
It is understood from the above sentence that ………
a. Team members receive the call within 15 minutes.
b. Personal equipment is kept at home.
c. Team members start their journey without personal equipment.
d. Personal equipment is ready within 15 minutes.
A. 50.b
B. Cloze passages: Fill in the blanks with the best options.
Penguins get their food from the sea. Although these birds have wings, they never ___54 they use their wings for ___55. Their home is on ____56. when penguins are born, they are afraid of water. Their ___57 have to search for food for themselves and for their ___58. When autumn days grow shorter and it gets cold, penguins___59 to new homes. There, young penguins must learn how to swim and how to find their own food.
54. a. fly
55. a. walking
56. a. canal
57. a. bosses
58.a. sisters
59. a. create
At one time people made their own colthes, shoes and many of the things they used in thd house. Now almost every everything is made by ______60and very few things are made by hand.
Students are ______61 dress making, woodwork and painting a school, but few people have things ___62 by themselves in their rooms.
They even find it _____63 to repair something that has been ___64 . It s a shame that people are so modern that they ___65 to make simple beautiful things.
60 . a. architects
b. computers
c. engineers
d. machines
61. a . laught
b. ordered
c. advised
d. direceted
62. a.painted
64.a. discovered
54. a
C. Read the following passage answer the questions.
Education is the process by which people gain knowledge, skills, habits, and values. The word education is also used to describe the results of the educational process. Education should help a person become a useful member of society. It should also help him develop an understanding of his culture and live a better life. The most common way to get an education is to attend school. But much education also takes place outside the classroom.
Education involves both learning and teaching. Sometimes, people learn by teaching themselves. But they also learn with the help of other people such as parents or teachers. Parents are a Childs first and perhaps most important teachers. But few parents have either the time or the ability to teach their children everything that they need to know. A modem society cannot continue its life without education. But most nations consider educations benefits to individuals equally as important as its benefits to society.
66. what is the most usual way to get an education?
67. where does much education occur?
68.who are the first teachers of a child?
69. Do most people regard the advantages of education only to the individuals?
70. The word they in line 9 in second paraghraph refers to ……
71. we understand from the passage that most parents send their children to school because they ………
a. are to busy to teach them at home.
b. don’t get much benefit from teaching
c.have to attend schools themselves.
72. Education includes only teaching.
a. True
b. false
73. It is possible to be educated without attending school.
a. True
b. False
66. The most usual way to get an education is to attend school.
67. Much education occurs outside the classroom.
68. Parentes are frist teachers of a child.
69. No, they don’t regard the advantages of education to individuals?
70 . d
71. a
72. b