Sunday, June 22, 2008

The best link of English teaching

teaching clours

Colour in the classroom
Tags: Classroom Teacher Dyslexia Inclusion Learning Environment Learning Mentor SEN - Special Educational Needs SENCO Teaching & Learning Coordinator Teaching and Learning

More and more schools throughout the country are realising that children with specific reading difficulties can be helped by the use of colour, either in the form of coloured overlays or as individually prescribed coloured spectacle lenses. By Tim Noakes.

The children who are most likely to benefit from colour will often show visual discomfort while reading by exhibiting one or more of the following symptoms:

complains of headaches during or after reading;
complains of sore eyes while reading (eye-strain);
rubbing eyes;
watering or red eyes;
a marked dislike of bright light (photophobia);
a tendency to constantly shift or alter the position of text while reading;
complains of fatigue after short periods of close-work, i.e. one or two pages;
print appearing blurred, to be moving, flickering, fading, appearance of patterns in the print, colours appearing around the letters and doubling of words and letters.
Care needs to be taken with children when asking about the clarity of print, because they will often assume that the way they see the print is 'normal' and that although they may have difficulty deciphering words, the words must appear the same way to others. For example, if the child sees the words and letters jumping, he or she may assume that everyone sees the words and letters jumping, but that the others can still read them. When questioning a child regarding the appearance of print, leading questions should be avoided as far as possible, and reports of distortions may only be given once the child has appreciated what clear text is.

Most of the symptoms listed above may also be associated with several of the types of visual problems that have been treated for many years by optometrists, who are often referred to as ophthalmic opticians. Ideally, all children should undergo a full eye examination with a qualified person, but this is particularly important for those with specific learning difficulties.

Very often, the child's teacher can successfully carry out the initial investigation of potential from colour in the school situation. Coloured overlay assessment sets are relatively inexpensive, with step-by-step instructions to enable anyone experienced in working with children to successfully determine whether colour will be helpful.

"Children who use overlay(s) for a period of a few weeks or longer are felt to do so due to a true benefit from colour, as motivations caused only by placebo effect would rapidly diminish"

A coloured overlay is a transparent sheet of plastic tinted to a specific colour. You also need a sample of random text (letters laid out to resemble words, but not making known words). The reason for the use of random text, is to ensure that the subject's concentration is on the clarity and comfort of the text, rather than attempting to comprehend it. If desired, the assessor can replace the provided text with print from a book that is of a suitable reading age for the subject, provided the print consists of black text on a white background.

Children who use overlay(s) for a period of a few weeks or longer are felt to do so due to a true benefit from colour, as motivations caused only by placebo effect would rapidly diminish. For the children who persist in using overlays or show a significant improvement in reading speed from tests using the Wilkins Rate of Reading Test, the possibility of coloured spectacle lenses, individually and precisely prescribed, is recommended.

Glasses have the advantage that they can be used for blackboard work and writing, as well as reading. In addition, for many children the definition of the optimum tint is very precise and, with over 100,000 colours available, the optimum colour is more easily matched.

Following extensive research trials, this system is considered evidence based. There are reports of outstanding benefits for many children, including cases where pupils who were expected to leave school after GCSE have stayed on to obtain A'levels, with plans to go on to university. Others report reduction of eye strain and reading for pleasure for the first time in their lives. Most of those with the lenses are continuing to use them happily, although in a few cases, the lenses will act as a stepping stone to better reading and many no longer be needed after six months or a year. Some optical practitioners report over 90% success rate when measuring success in terms of continued use and patient satisfaction.

Research is still in progress to determine deeper knowledge of the effects of colour. However, we feel that given the present awareness of this subject, every child should be offered the opportunity to find out whether learning can be made easier by the use of colour. Assessment with overlays is straightforward and relatively inexpensive. With the teacher's knowledge of how to communicate with children and their unique position to watch reading and writing strategies, they are ideally placed to carry out this initial screening of the children. Optometrists make the ideal multidisciplinary team for this aspect of helping those with specific learning difficulties, but it can make it possible for the child to see the work clearly and comfortably, so enabling longer periods of concentration coupled with increased comprehension.

Further reading:

1.Wilkins AJ, Evans BJW, Brown J, Busby A et al. Double masked placebo controlled trial of precision tinted spectral filters in children who used overlays. Opthal. Physiol. Opt. 1994: 14:365-370

2. Evans BJW, Drasdo N, Richards IL. Investigations of accommodative and binocular function in dyslexia. Ophthal Physiol Opt. 1994:14: 5-19

3. *Lightstone A., LightstonT., Wilkins A.J. Both coloured overlays and coloured lenses can improve reading fluency, but their optimal chromaticities may differ. Ophthal.Physiol. Opt. 1999 19:279-285

For further details of the Cerium Overlays and Intuitive Colorimeter, the Wilkins Rate of Reading Test and a list of optometrists able to offer colorimetry, contact:

Cerium Visual Technologies

Cerium Technology Park

Appledore Road, Tenterden, Kent TN30 7DE

This article first appeared in Teaching Expertise, December 2004.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

دلیل ناکامی در زبان

دلایل اصلی ناکامی در یادگیری زبان
بشر در هيچ دوره اي اين چنين با حجم انبوهي از داده ها و اطلاعات مواجه نبوده است. سرگرداني انسان امروز، انتخابي مناسب از بين هزاران امكاني است كه عمر كوتاهش را بر نمي تابد و اين سرگرداني، در انتخاب روشي مناسب براي يادگيري يك زبان بين المللي با گستره توليد جهاني، صد چندان شده است. كتابها، فيلمهاي صوتي - تصويري، كلاسهاي آموزشي رسمي و غير رسمي، نرم افزارها و پهنه گسترده اينترنت در كارند تا امر فراگيري يك زبان خارجي تحقق يابد آيا اشكال در بهره هوشي ما دانش آموزان و دانشجويان ايراني است كه با گذراندن بيش از ده سال از دوران راهنمائي تا دانشگاه هنوزنتوانسته ايم در حد قابل قبولي زبان بياموزيم؟ چرا ما دانش آموزان و دانشجويان ايراني با گذراندن بيش از ده سال، از دوران دبيرستان تا دانشگاه، هنوزنتوانسته ايم در حد قابل قبولي زبان بياموزيم. بدون شك اشكال در بهره هوشي و توانائي هاي ما نيست بلكه مشكل در روشها و تكنولوژيي هاي است كه ما با استفاده از آنها زمان بزرگي از زندگي خويش را از دست داده ايم. عمده ترين دلايل نا كامي در فراگيري زبان در كشور ما بقرار زير است:ترس ما هميشه زبان را درس مشكلي تصور مي كرديم كه بايد آنرا امتحان دهيم و بدين دليل هرگز فرصت استفاه از آنرا بصورتي نيافتيم كه از آن لذت ببريم. تكيه بر محيط مبتني بر متندنياي واقعي زبان، يك دنياي صوتي است. در حـالي كه سيستم آموزشي ما، دنيايي مبتني بر متن بوده است و اين باعث مي شد كه مشكل تلفظ نيز بر مشكلات بيشمار ما افزوده شود. بدليل عدم زيستن در يك محيط واقعي صوتي با آن احساس بيگانگي مي كنيم. نتيجه اين سيستم آموزشي در آرماني ترين شرايط تربيت مترجم بود، نه كسي كه با زبان بتواند ارتباط برقرار كند. تكيه بر گرامركاش ما زبان را با روش كودكان ياد مي گرفتيم كه كمترين اهميتي براي دستورات پيچيده زبان نمي دهند. راستي، خود چقدر با گرامر زبان مادري خود آشنا هستيم دستوات گرامري در تمامي زبانها يك موضوع كاملا تخصصي و انتزاعي از زبان است و اگر اینطور نیست پس اينهمه رشته هاي دانشگاهي سطح بالا در رابطه با دستور زبان چه معني ميدهند؟ حرف زدن با رعايت دستورات گرامري زباني پر از استثناء مانند انگليسي و یا فرانسه ، تقريبا غير ممكن است. تاكيد بر يادگيري لغات آموزش ما، حفظ كردن فرهنگهاي لغت بود، هر معلمي براي خود ديكشنري كوچكي مي ساخت كه مجبور به حفظ آن بوديم. و متاسفانه هنوز هم كار به همين منوال است. در يك فرهنگ انگليسي نگـاهي به لغت GET يا TAKE بيندازيد. دو صفحه معني مختلف و گاه متضاد براي يك لغت سردرگمي آدمي را در آموزش صد چندان مي كند. فرق عمده زبان انگليسي با زبان فارسي در اين است كه لغات در زبان انگليسي عمدتا وقتي معنا واقعي دارند كه در كنار ساير لغات قرار مي گيرند. مثلا لغت Take معني واضحي ندارد در حالي كه معني عبارت Take off كاملا مشخص است. عدم توجه به اين الگوهاي ساختاري روش طبيعي آموزش زبانبه برخي ازاين تفاوتها در همینجا اشاره شده است.اهميت دادن به امر خواندندر هر زباني چهار عنصر عمده خواندن، نوشتن، صحبت كردن و گوش دادن وجود دارد. آنچه در سيستم آموزش رسمي ما بيش از همه به آن پرداخته شده است امر خواندن مي باشد. در برخي از كلاسهاي غير رسمي نيز صحبت از هم زماني چهار عنصر رفته است. اما وقتي ما در محيط واقعي زبان قرار مي گيريم در مي يابيم كه اگر هدف فراگيري زبان باشد عنصر خواندن و نوشتن اهميت درجه چندم دارند به اين دليل ساده كه در تمامي زبانها افراد بي سواد آن جامعه نيز قادر با تكلم زبان مادري خود هستند.
__________________'The Seeing see little'

Teaching phonetics

Teaching Phonetics:
Discover the "Majesty and Grandeur"
of the English Speech
In the brilliant Broadway Show My Fair Lady, Professor Higgins addresses Eliza with an inspirational speech after hearing her vain attempts to say where exactly the rains fall. One can almost hear Bernard Shaw speaking here, “Just think what you’re dealing with. The majesty and grandeur of the English language is the greatest possession we have. The noblest thoughts that ever flowed through the hearts of men are contained in its extraordinary, imaginative and musical mixture of sounds. And that’s what you’ve set yourself out to conquer, Eliza. And conquer it you will!” [italics added]
What exactly is the “grandeur and majesty” of the English language? So often have we attempted to “split” the studies of the language into some artificial fields that have undoubtedly helped us learn more about the language but are apparently making it more difficult to learn the language as it is. Thus, the students come to the point where they have successfully managed holding the boxes labeled as “Grammar” or “Writing” or “Listening,” but are reluctant to put together the content of each box for fear of “forgetting the language.” Where does this rigidity come from and how can we learn to overcome it in our minds, and more so in the minds of our students?

Let us unwrap the boxes for awhile, or maybe ignore the labels and let us manage to conduct each part to blossom into a beautiful music of something complete, whole and harmonious. Let us hear the polyphony of this orchestra and teach the language “out of the box” so our students may truly enjoy it.

Olena Osypchuk,
EFL Instructor

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Teaching Phonetics
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Using Media in Teaching Pronunciation
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Olena Osypchuk has been teaching English Phonetics at Commonwealth International University in Simferopol, Ukraine since 2003
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Phonetics Teaching and Learning Conference
PDF Proceedings
Listed in alphabetical order of the first author's surname.

Michael Ashby, Martha Figueroa-Clark, Esther Seo, Kayoko Yanagisawa, UCLInnovations in practical phonetics teaching and learningPatricia Ashby, Alison Manamperi, Matt Youens. University of WestminsterDISCOVERING PHONETICS: LEARNING THROUGH FIELDWORKPatricia Ashby, Samantha Valentine, University of WestminsterLena Olausson, Pronunciation Unit, British Broadcasting CorporationWorking with phoneticsOle Stig Andersen, CopenhagenA Typology of Pronunciation CorrectionsSilvia C. Barreiro, Eva Estebas-Vilaplana, Isabel Soto, UNEDTeaching Phonetics through Singing and RecitingDavid Brett, University of SassariCreating Interactive Material for Teaching Phonetics Using Macromedia Flash MXMercedes Cabrera Abreu, Francisco Vizcaíno Ortega, University of Las Palmas de Gran CanariaAcoustic phonetics and EFL teachingRichard Cauldwell, SPEECHINACTIONBricking up and Streaming down: two approaches to naturalness in pronunciation materialsRaimunda Česonienė, Kaunas University of TechnologyEnglish Phonetics and Phonology: Course for Future InterpretersKaren Steffen Chung, National Taiwan UniversityTen core themes in pronunciation teachingSophie de Abreu, Catherine Mathon, Université Paris 7Can you hear I’m angry? Perception of anger in a spontaneous French corpus by Portuguese learners of French as a foreign language.Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kołaczyk, Adam Mickiewicz UniversityNative or non-native? This is the question: Which English to teach in the globalizing world?Francisco Gallardo del Puerto, María Luisa García Lecumberri, Jasone Cenoz Iragui, University of the Basque CountryDegree of foreign accent and age of onset in formal school instructionEsther Gómez Lacabex, Mª Luisa García Lecumberri, University of the Basque Country& Martin Cooke, University of SheffieldEnglish Vowel Reduction by Untrained Spanish Learners: Perception and ProductionUlrike Gut, Albert-Ludwigs-University FreiburgCorpus-based pronunciation trainingTakeshi Ishihara University of Edinburgh / Mejiro UniversityUnderstanding Programming for Phoneticians through Semi-automatic Data ExtractionChristian Jensen, Copenhagen Business SchoolOnline Training and Testing in PhoneticsTakeki Kamiyama, Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie (UMR 7018) CNRS / Sorbonne NouvelleDoes explicit knowledge of prosody help L2 comprehension? The case of determiners "du" and "deux" in French learned by Japanese-speaking learners. Joe Eun Kim, UCLKorean Accented English: Cross Linguistic Phoneme MappingDudley Knight, University of California, IrvineNew Techniques in IPA Training for Actors in the United StatesSmiljana Komar, University of LjubljanaThe Impact of Tones and Pitch Range on the Expressionof Attitudes in Slovene Speakers of EnglishMariko Kondo, Waseda UniversityStrategies for Acquiring Japanese Prosody by English SpeakersBozena Lechowska, Universidad Industrial de SantanderTeaching English Phonetics and Phonology in ColombiaPekka Lintunen, University of Turku, FinlandPhonemic Transcription and its Effect on LearningRick Lipton, Matthew Reeve, Mountview Academy of Theatre ArtsPhonetics at MountviewWander Lowie, Dicky Gilbers Jenny Bos, University of GroningenA close examination of L2 pronunciation: English secondary stress by advanced Dutch learnersTakehiko Makino, Chuo University, TokyoA New Approach to the Teaching of English Prosodyto Japanese Speakers, Based on the First Significant Contrastive AnalysisBeth McGuire, Pamela Prather, Yale School of DramaKinesPhonetics®: Experiential Anatomy of Phonemes for the ActorGrit Mehlhorn, University of StuttgartLearner Autonomy and Pronunciation CoachingJose A. Mompean, University of MurciaTaking Advantage of Phonetic Symbols in the Foreign Language ClassroomN. Minematsu, S. Asakawa, K. Hirose, The University of Tokyo and T. Makino, Chuo UniversityStructural representation of pronunciation and its use in pronunciation trainingMitsuhiro Nakamura, Nihon UniversityParametric Phonetics: an exercise in the dynamic characterisation of sound patternsRandall O. Pennington, Kyushu UniversityRaising Student Consciousness of Pronunciation Differences of English /r/, /l/ and /w/ and the Alveolar flaps in JapaneseTsutomu Sato, Meiji Gakuin UniversityThe Characteristics of Placing Prominences by Japanese Learners of English and Pedagogical SuggestionsGladys E. Saunders, University of VirginiaOn the Teaching and Learning of French Semivowels: Principles, Practices and unpredictable problemsGeoffrey Schwartz Adam Mickiewicz UniversityThe phonetics-phonology interface – implications for teaching L2 pronunciationMari Shimizu, Masaki Taniguchi, University of KochiReaffirming the effect of interactive visual feedback on teaching English intonation to Japanese learnersJoanna Smith, Basheba Beckmann, Unitec New ZealandImproving Pronunciation through Noticing-Reformulation TasksRastislav Šuštaršiè, University of LjubljanaDictionary Transcriptions Representing Standard British and American Pronunciations and their Application in Teaching English PhoneticsJolanta Szpyra-Kozlowska, Justyna Frankiewicz, Marta Nowacka, Lidia Stadnicka, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, LublinAssessing assessment methods – on the reliability of pronunciation tests in EFLMasaki Taniguchi, Shizuya Tara, University of KochiRelation between direct tests and indirect tests on English intonation for Japanese learners: nucleus placementYishai Tobin, Ben-Gurion University of the NegevTeaching Phonetics to Speech Clinicians and Audiologists According to the Theory of Phonology as Human BehaviorJuhani Toivanen MediaTeam, University of Oulu and Academy of FinlandToBI or not ToBI? Testing two models in teaching English intonation to FinnsJuhani Toivanen, Academy of Finland and MediaTeam, University of OuluStylized intonation in Finnish English second language speech: a semantic and acoustic studySteven H. Weinberger, George Mason UniversityWeb AccentsMagdalena Wrembel, Adam Mickiewicz UniversityMetacompetence-oriented model of phonological acquisition: implications for the teaching and learning of second language pronunciation


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Teaching alphabet

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Friday, January 18, 2008

تجربي و انساني روزانه 81_82

كلمه هاي ناقص در جمله هاي زير را كامل كنيد.

1/2. John does str-ng-things.He can walk on a r-pe.
3/4. He needs shelter to pr-te-t him from e-tr-me heat or cold.
5/6. such projects are not available for ordin-ry com-ercial users.
7/8.when man lives laone d-s-ase may a-a-k him.

از گروه كلمه هاي داده شده زير كلمه مناسب را انتخاب كنيد و در جملات به كار ببريد.

Aware/steep/nervous/costly/qualified/consume/in return/career/translators/ignorance
9.He was so ……… from the news that he couldn’t sit down.
10.I m afraid . you are not ………….enough for this job.
11. Its very difficult to ride a bicycle on roaks which are too ……….
12.John had a successful………… architecture, but he changed his job.
13. If I give you a book,what will you give rne……..?
14. some of the ……….are very experienced and it takes a short time for them to do their job.
15. The subway project has become too…for the government.
16.Underdeveloped countries……….mere than they produce.
17.Not many pople are ………of the adbantages of education.
18. Is she a carful person? "No,she does things by…….

از ستون B كلمه مناسب با تعريف هاي ستون A‌را انتخاب كنيد.

19. hard surface
20. to some extant
21.stage of social development wrong
23.the ability to realize right and wrong
24. to rest or move on the surface of a liquid

e.moral sense

پاسخ مناسب را انتخاب كنيد.

25.Producers cannot succeed unless they pay close attention to the needs of their………….
1. organizers
2. consumers
4. actors

26. Those who eat whatever they find ………their health.
1. cancel

27.Sugar………in hot tea faster than in cold tea.
1. applies

28. when I …… answers with the teachers. I found why I had made that mistake.
1. compared
2. handled
3. managed

29. someone may think free education can solve all the problems of …. And build a perfect nation.
1. diplomacy
2. economy
4. society

30. A solution to the problem of unemployment in villages is to encourage the …….of small businesses there.
1. appointment
2 .development
3. experiment
4. instrument

31. scientists have ……..that the worlds population will double by thd end of the 21th century.
1. calculated
2. disappointed
3. offended
4. succeeded

32. A large mosque will be ………near our school next month.
4. calculated

پاسخ مناسب را انتخاب كنيد.

33. That picture is ………..heavy to hang ……on the wall.
1. too/ it
2. so / it
3. too/____

34.were any of them hurt in the fire?
No, and firemen got…. To save their house.
1. there quickly enough
2. quickly enough there
3.there enough quickly
4. enough quickly there

35. Id called him up befor ;
1. had you
2. would I
3. would you
4. had I

36. I ll have my son ……in that institute.
1. train
2. to train

37.There seems to be a baby in the sitting room.
Yes, I can hear it ……..
1. to play
2. crying
3. cry

38. The missing boys werd playin near the river.
They were last seen ……near the river.
1. to play
2. play

39.Hes never tired of stuying and………
1. so is mary
2. mary has too
3. mary hasn’t either
4. neither is mary

40.A : I wonder why john didn’t come to the meeting.
B: He …….have known about it .
1. shouldn’t
2. could
4. might not

41. He wanted to make himself…….
To the foreigner, but he didn’t know English a lot.
1. to understand
2. underestnd
3. understood

42. Did you buy a new car?
No , I had enough money and I …. A new car but I decided not to .
1. may buy
2. shoulg bay
3. might have bought
4. could have bought

با كلمه ها و عبارات داده شده جمله ها را كامل كنيد.

43.Mary didn’t take her children with her and her sister didn’t either.(so)
Mary took…………………….

44. Maryam can speak English and her brother can too.
Maryam ……………................(neither)

45.Did you go to the cinema last night? (could)
No,I ……………, but I didn’t.

46. The children are in the park. I can hear them.
………………………..(to play)

47.Did you have the birthday cake made?
No, I am goin to have it ……..tomorrow.(to make)

با توجه به توضيحات داده شده جملات ناقص را كامل كنيد.

48. Did your father buy that home? No, he didn’t
It……………small…………… live in.

49.Mr. kashani is still eating.He began eating at 9oclock.
Mr , kashani………………..for two hours.

مكالمه هاي ستون A,B را مرتب كنيد.

50. Im looking for the public library.
51. Id like these books, please.
52. would you like to come over tonight?
53. your chil is spilling ink on the floor.
54. my uncle is sick in hospital.
55. what would you like?

a. oh, I do apologize
b. certainly , that ll be 2000 toman
c. just a cup of tea, please.
d. I d love to, but we have a test.
e. Turn left into zand street.
f. That’s a pity!
g. Theres one in half an hour.

كدام جمله از نظر تن صدا (intonation) با بقيه فرق مي كند.

56. does your father come here?
2. I want to see john.
3.That child is sick.
4. what are you doing now?

در گروه كلمه هاي داده شده يك كلمه از نظر تكيه (فشار صوت) با بقيه متفاوت است آن را مشخص كنيد.

57. 1. resource
2. myself
3. exercise
4. fourteen

با توجه به مفهوم جمله هاي داده شده پاسخ صحيح را انتخاب كنيد.

58. Leonardo was the student of a painter, and he become one of the most famous painters who have ever lived.
The above sentence tells us that…………..
1. no painter has ever been as famous Leonardo
2. Lenardo is considered one of the most famous painters in the history of art.
3. famous painters have had students like lionardo.
4. Leonardo has been the most famous painter of the world.

59. A society cannot work successfully unless thd freedom of each human being is to some extent limited so that he is kept from hurting others.
From thd above sentence we understand that………
1. a society cannot work successfully if people ard free in that society.
2. a successful society is a free society
3. if a human being is kept from hurting other, he is successful.
4. to have a successful society, people should give up some of their freedom.

60. The next stage is to develop a system which can be used on microcomputers in an ordinary office. From the above sentence we understand that……….
1. such a system is being used in small offices now.
2. There will be a system which can be used on microcomputers.
3. Already there is a system which can be microcomputers.
4. It is impossible to develop a system which can be used on microcomputers.

متن زير را بخوانيد و با گزينه هاي مناسب آن را كامل كنيد.

Some countries , like the USA , have tried to reach the moon. A sohort 61 …. Ago, three Americans went up in a 62 ….. named Apollo. Two of them 63 ….safely on the moon. They 64 ….. safely to the earth. There are many problems in traveling into 65….. scientists could not 66 … men to the moon 67 … they solved the 68 …..for example, there is no oxygen for men to breathe.
61.1. year 2.times 3.time 4.tense
62. 1. plane 2. spaceship 3.submaricne 4.boat
63. 1.landed 2.took off up 4.pickedup
64. 1. I gave back 2. put pu 3. came back 4. picked up
65. 1. darkness 2. sky 3. ground 4. space
66. 1. travel 3. send 4.get on
67. 1. till 2. after 3.when 4.for
68. 1. problems 2.computers 3.limitations 4.protections

متن زير را بخوانيد و به سؤالات آن پاسخ دهيد . و يا پاسخهاي مناسب را انتخاب كنيد.

For the human baby, the period of complete dependence on his mother is longer than it is for the young of any other animal. Even when the child is able to feed himself, he must still depend on the guidance and protection of his elders for many years to come. One might ask why this function could not be left to some kind of organization so that parents might be free to do other duties. The answer, of course lies in the fact that children need more than physical attention. They must have love as well, and this is what only the family can provide. An unloved child will be unable to love people as he grows up.

69. what is the difference between the human baby and the young of other animals?
70. what cant a child whom nobody loves do?
71. what does the word this in line 7 refer to ?

72. According to the passage, a child ………..
1. need no help at all
2. can never feed himself
3. needs his mothers protection
4.should be left alone

73. The best word that can be used instead of elders in line 3 is …….
1. parents
2. people
3. robbers

Ture or false:
74. According to the passage, children pay attention to physics. ( )
75. Mother need protection of their children.( )

رياضي شبانه

ديكته :‌درهر جمله يك كلمه ناقص وجود دارد، آن كلمه را بطور كامل در پاسخنامه بنويسيد.

1.Leonardo is an architect and an (inv-ntro).
2. Now, I am (dis – ppo – nted) with him.
3. The young plants need (prot – ction) against the heat.
4. The advantages of such an (agr- ement) are great.
5. we have had a good (dipl-ma-y) in these years.
6. About 70% of your body wight is ( l- quid).

براي خاي خالي هر جمله يك كلمه را متناسب با معني انتخاب كنيد و در پاسخنامه بنويسيد:

1. This housing …….has become very costly.
2. You will soon learn about his bad …. You can never trust him.
3. They are playing in the sand at the waters ……
4. I know my own …….. as a painter.
6. That is my personal ……..and not the companys.
7. If you hold a glass under the hot tap, it may …..quite soon.
8. You can not ……him in the subject easily.
9. They live in a ………country, and try to improve it quickly.
10 . More information becomes……….through the use of computer.

فرم صحيح كلمات را انتخاب كنيد.

11. He has a good …….of painting which is very costly.
(collect – collection – collective – collectively)

12 .He has always had grat ………in his life.
(succeseful – success – successfully- succeed)

13.I am tired of working , but I cant ……. Them by retiring.
(disappointment – disappoint – disappointed- disappointing)

14. A lot of Lenardos machines did not work ………..
(successful – success – successfully-succeed)

15. It is possible to get …….from hunger and thirst.
(society – property – freedom – disease)

16. This machine has increased the ………… of electronic devices.
(production – producing – productive – produce)

براي هر تعريف از ستون A يك كلمه از ستون B انتخاب كنيد و در پاسخ نامه بنويسيد.

Word Defintions
A ستون
17. to rest or move on the surface of a liquid or in the air:
18. ready to face danger:
19. stage of social development:
20. The ability to realize right or wrong:
21. Needing immediate decision or action.
22. take somebody away form danger :

a- civilization
b- urgent
c- float
d- save
e- brave
f- healthy
g- moral sense

جملات ستون A را با جملات ستون B‌ كامل كنيد و جواب قسمت B را در پاسخنامه بنويسيد :

Language function : مكالمه
A ستون
23. can you tell me where the office is ?
24. Id like some ice – cream, please.
25. you have given me the wrong change.
26. I hurt my leg playing football.
27. I think Iv lost my new glasses.

B ستون
a- I do apologize. Sir
b – I am sorry to hear it.
C – Im afraid I cant
d- we haven’t got any left
e - Just near the elevator.
F – That’s a pity !

سؤالات تستي چهارجوابي :

Multiple choice Questions :
28. He wasn’t strong ………to carry thd suitcase.
(enough – so – too – very)

29 .The students had ……homework that they were busy all the day.

30. These shoes are very heavy. I need a pair of ……. Shoes for
running. (small – expensive – light – cheaper)

31. Lastly, I decided to learn English, The wora Lastly means.
(first – firstly – final – finally)

32. He oppend the cages and let the birds … their home.
(flying away – to fly away – fly away – fly)

33. He has no ability to realize right and wrong.He does whatever he likes.
(moral sense – property – development – advantage)

34 . There was an accident, we all heard the …….
(sound – crowd – voice – crash)

35. He is ready to face danger. He Knows no fea. : The underlined words mean:
(architect – brave – painter – crowd)

36. He wrotea letter to his friend , and ………
(so she did – she too did – she did too – so does she)

37. parents should know the advantage pf a good book. The word advantage
means : (important – benefit – major – edit)

38 . John …….. a blue shirt since last Monday.
(has worn – has been wron – has been wearing – have been wearing)

39. I got a mechanic …… car yesterday.
(fix – to fix – fixed – would fix)

40 . I can hear a bady ……… the bedroom.
(to cry – cries – cry – crying)

41 . You should have a high opinion for his wishes.
(Protect – respect – advantage – moral sense)

42. He showed extreme joy when he learned about his grads. What is the meaninge of the word extreme.
(certainly – support – do wrong – the gratest possible)

43.Ali enjoys horse riding. He usually hires a horse . The word hires is the
synonym of : (uses – costs –rents – takes)

44. There is an open area with streets on all its sides. We call it ferdowsi ………
(junction – square – block – avenue)

45. He developed a very expensive house and sold it quit soon the synonym of expensive is :
(conscious – very large – costly – serious)

گرامر : با توجه به مفاهيم هر جمله : جاي خالي هر سؤال را كامل كنيد و پاسخ را در پاسخ نامه بنويسيد .(جواب را بطور كامل بنويسيد)

46. The house was very small. We couldn’t live in it.(too)
…………..was………….small for us to ……… it.

47. John put on a blue shirt last Monday. Hes still wearning it .
John ………………………………………………..

48 . I missed the bus to Azadi street and so did he.(will miss)
I …………the bus to Azadi street and so ……………he.

49 . An insect was crawling up my leg.
I noticed …………………………….

50 . she didn’t make the tea herself.
She had got it ………….yesterday.

51. she didn’t make the tea herself.
She had got it ……………yesterday.

در متن زير هشت جاي خالي وجود دارد. جاي خالي را با يكي از گزينه ها كامل كنيد و آن كلمه را در پاسخنامه بنويسيد:

(cloze passage)
There is one subject ………(52) us more than any other. There is one subject we ……….. (53) a whole life – time studying: ourselves ! we see everything in the ………..(54)in relation to ourselves. . In this way, we sometimes …….(55) ourselves better. We often ……….(56) ourselves with other pople, and try to see our selves as others see us. Have you ever read, about the ……..(57) of the grat French painter paul pauguin? He had a successful …..….(58) in banking . He suddenly left his family and his job and devoted the ………..(59) of his life to painting:
52. ignores – interests – attacks – offends.
53 . develop – respect – spend – design
54 . universe – house – society – country – debelop – respect – understand
56 . fasten – compare – join – limit.
57. life – accent – nature – personality
58 . period – property – life – career
59 – rest – whole – extent – mark

درك مطلب :
متن زير را به دقت بخوانيد و به سؤالات آن در پاسخنامه پاسخ دهيد.

When men become organized into very large groups, and civilization develops ,it is possible to get freedom from hunger, thirst, cold, heat and many diseases, so that each person can live a happier life than he could if he were living along, but such a society cannot work successfully unless the freedom of each human being is to some extent limited so that he is kept from hurting others. I an not free to kill others, nor to steal someone elses property, nor to behave in a way that offends against the moral sense of thd society in which I live. I have to limit my own freedom myself so that others will not limit it too much :
I agree to respect the rights of others, and in return they agree to respect mine.

(توجه كنيد‌! جاي سؤال درك مطلب در پاسخنامه بعد از متن كوتاه قرار دارد)

63. what would a man get by living in a society?
It is possible………………………..

64. How can a society work successfully?
When the freedom of each………………………….

65. what do the pople agree to do in a civilized society?
They agree to ……………………………………

سؤالهاي(درست True) يا ( غلط false) :‌جملات شماره 66 و 67 را بخوانيد و در مقايسه با متن درك مطلب، اگر درست است در پاسخنامه T و اگر غلط است حرف F بگذاريد.

66. people are not free to behave in a way offends against the moral sense of the society.
67. In a civilized society, people are kept from hurting others.

متن كوتاه :‌جمله هاي زير را به دقت بخوانيد و با توجه به معني هر جمله، يكي از جوابها را كه داراي معني مشابه است short passage انتخاب نمائيد و حرف مقابل جواب را در پاسخنامه بنويسيد(فقط حرف را بنويسيد و از نوشتن جمله خودداري كنيد)

60 . Leonard invented many interesting machines, but a lof of his nachines did not work very well.
A. His machines did not work at all.
B. The machines he invented were useless.
C. Most of Leonardos machines did not work well.
D. The machines invented by Leonardo were not interesting.

61. When men become organized into very large groups, and civilation develops, it is possible to get freedom from many diseases.
A. people may be free from illnesses if they live together in groups.
B. If people are arganized to gether, they are free from living.
C. By living together, we can live happily.
D.we will live happeir life if we live alone.

62.There are limitations to what M.T can do . It can translate only eight words often.
A. computers can not translate all the words correctly. The texts may have a few mistakes.
B. computer always translate the words correctly.
C. M.T texts translated by computers are full of mistakes.
D. Time is saved by machine translation.

جبراني كليه رشته ها

ديكته : در هر جمله يك كلمه ناقص وجود دارد. آن كلمه را بطور كامل در پاسخنامه بنويسيد.

1. You have to be conc-rned about the pollution.
2. positron is the smallest p-rt-cle known to man so far.
3. He hates to be conf-ned within the four wals of an office.
4. she hs seezing, it may be a s-mpt-m of flu.
5. I quit because the money I rec-ved for my job was not enough.
6. Tell him not to talk about the proc-d-res , let him get down to action.

Vocaburary: براي هر جمله يك كلمه را متناسب با معني جمله انتخاب كنيد ودر پاسخنامه بنويسيد.

Social – victims – assistance – mental – closely – will – fine – overactive – discover- resue
7. You know that solving puzzled is a ……..activity.
8. He is one of the ………..of Roodbar earthquake.
9. Keep working hard, Im sure you would ……joy of it.
10 . The next zone is the ……….zone, te distance we like to keep froms stramgers.
11. The boy was drowning. I Jumped into the river to ….. him.
12. The police officer forced him to pay the …….immediately.
13. when he gets angry,he becomes a little…….
14. I think he is your brother. He ………resembles you.
15. please call me if you need any ……with your work.
16. with strong…… can overcome all your problems.

يكي از كلمات ستون B را متناسب با هر يك از جملات ستون A‌انتخاب كنيد و در پاسخنامه بنويسيد .

A ستون
17. a sudden attack on a place : ………….
18. a set of things of the same that you put together …….
19. Evry mount of money paid to workers :……………
20 . make somebody do something : ………………….
21. all the gasses around the world :…………………
22. give somebody a very bad surprise:……………..
24. to put into position :………………….

B ستون
A – force
B- shock
C- set up
D – raid
E – collection
F – set off
G – payment
H – atmosphere
I – immediate

متن زير را به دقت بخوانيد و جاي خالي را با يكي از گزينه ها پر كنيد و فقط گزينه صحيح را در پاسخنامه بنويسيد.

Charles Dickens, The English …….(25), was one of the most famous writer Of all time. He was a good ….(26) of life , and had a great understanding ...................(27) and needy people.Many of the events and people in his boods are base on events and people in his the age of 12, charles ………(28)in a London factory . He held the job only a short time,but the unpleasant ……..(29) of that factory had a lasting effect on his………(30). He never spoke of it to his wife or his children in later years.
25. (architect – actor- novelist – accountant)
26. (observer- conductor – painter- translator)
27.( rich – poor – nervous – dishonest)
28. (worked – studied – livef – stayed)
29. ( conditions – character – contents – nature)
30 . (time – memory – part – capacity)

سؤالات تستي چهار جوابي : فقط علامت حرف مقابل هر گزينه را در پاسخنامه بنويسيد.

31. If we ………the map,we coul not have found the way.
a. have forgetten
b.had forgotten
c. will forget
c. for got

32. It is raining now .
I wish it ……….stop raining.
b.will be

33.I wish I …….. come soon.
a. have
b. had
c. will
c. could

34. what would you ……..if you hadn’t come to class.
a. have done
b. had done done
d.didnt do

35. I didn’t go to class yesterday.
I wish I ………there yesterday.
a.will go
c.had gone
d.would go

36. when water freezes,it becomes…………….
b. solid

37. If pollution continues to ……….at the present rate, it will cause an ice age.

38. The doctor………that I should rest for a week.
b. said

39.Emil zola is a famous novelist that lived in france.
What is the synonym of the word novelist. charge
b. factory

40. to make somebody do what he/she dosrnt want to do . is the definition of :

41.I followed his lecture closely.The meaning of closely is :
a. detail

42. something for carrying a sick or an injured person in a lying position . is called :
a. stretcher
c. help

قواعد دستوري : جواب هر سؤال را بطور كامل در پاسخنامه بنويسيد.

43. They couldn’t go fishing because the sea was stormy.( calm)
They ……..if …………..calm.

44.I didn’t have enough money to buy that coat.
I wish I …………………..

45. I will go ti the meeting tomorrow.
He said………………………..

46.He had breakfast. Then he drove to work.

A – در بين كلمات زير كدام كلمه از نظر stress با بقيه كلمات تفاوت دارد. آن كلمه را در پاسخنامه بنويسيد.

47.(forget- police- animal – mechanic)

B- در بين كلمات زير كدام كلمه از نظر حروف صدادار(vowel sound) با كلمات ديگر متفاوت است آنرا در پاسخنامه بنويسيد.

48.(plain – death – they – great – name)

متن كوتاه :

هر قسمت را بخوانيد و بهترين پاسخ را متناسب با معني آن پيدا كنيد و فقط حرف مقابل آن جمله را در پاسخنامه بنوسيد.

Short passage:
49. The rescue team need to know the place that the accident happened, with a map refrence.
a.they will need to know where people were involved in the accident.
b. they want to know howmany people were involved in that accident.
c. the resue team want to find out what time the accident happened.
d. they will need to know the color of the victims clothing.

50 . The most important zone is the one that the people who are emotionally colseto us can enter it .
a. the zone that we feel comfortable having an ordinary friendly conbersation.
b. the personal zone shows the distance we would choose to talk to our family.
c. our every close friend and families can enter the ultimate zone whiteout discomfort
d. nobody is allowed to enter the personal zone.

مكالمه : براي هريك از پرسشهاي ستون A يك پاسخ از ستون B انتخاب كنيد.(فقط حروف را بنويسيد).

A ستون
51. what time does the train leave to Ahvaz?
52 . can you come over on Friday night ?
53 . what bus do I take to the airport?
54. where would you like to go for dinner?

B ستون
A – you want a number 115.
B – its got a black leather.
C – I d prefer some where quieter.
D – Im afraid I cant.
E – There is one in half an hour.

درك مطلب : متن را بخوانيد و به سؤالات آن پاسخ دهيد.

Many peoples favourite hobby is sport. They spend much of their free time dealing with sports. They play team games like football or baseball, games for two or four people, like tennis or golf, or practicing an individual sports like running, mountain climbing or swimming.
People usually practice a sport for atlrast two reasons. First, they enjoy it and, second they feel a need to keep. But sports are not just for participants, it is for spectators , too.

(سؤال 55 و 56و57 هر كدام 1 نمره و سؤال 58 و 59 هر كدام نمره دارند)

55. How do people spend their free time?

56. What are peoples main reasons to practice a sport?

57.would you name three individual games?

جمله هاي 58 و 59 را با True با false پاسخ دهيد.

58. sports are solely for participants……………..
59. people practice sports to keep fit and enjoy …………

علوم رياضي

Note : write and check all the answers on the answer sheet.
I – spelling : fill in the blanks with the missing letters. Write the complete words on the anwer sheet.

1. After a long discu-sion with his parents, he decided to continue his education.
2. Social distances are not the same for all cult-res.
3. The reseun teams call out proce-ure began right away.
4. The box w- - ghs only 2 kilos. It is very light.
5. The aerosols can fl—tin the air for a long time.

1. discussion

II – Vocabulary : A: fillin the blands with the appropriate words from the list below. Therd is one extra word.

Intimate – zone – assistance – liquid – bring up – disturb – closely – fine – achieve – sysptoms – belong to
6. The library members have to pay a ……..if they return the books late.
7. Water, milk and blood ard instances of ………substances.
8. Parents should ……….their children to be responsible members of society.
9. There was a large sign on the wall that said, Danger ……..! Keep away.
10 . you should have strong will to ………most of your higher goals of your life.
11. I can’t see difference between these two flowers. They ……. resemble each other.
12. Does this umbrella……… or is it yours?
13. Ali and Reza are always together. They seem to be …….friends.
14. The rescue team gave him immediate medical…….until the ambulance arrived.
15. High temperature, difficulty in breathing and pain in my entire body were the ……of my illness. II. vocabulary : A.

12.belong to
15. symptoms

B: word Definitions: Match the definitions in column A with the words in column B There is one extra word in column B

16. to move something to a later time
17. attack, crowd into
18. that cannot be avoided
19. make somebody do something that they do not want to do

a. invade
b. address
c. delay
d. d.force
e. inevitable

16.delay (c)
17.invade (a)
18.inevitable (e)
19.force (d)

C: choose the best choice.

20. The rescue …… to start tomorrow morning.
a. attention

21. The … the patient his medicine twice a day.
a. reporter
b. nurse

22. He is deeply ……in the project.

23. He was first afraid of flying, but he could ….. his fear.
a. overcome

21. nurse

III- structure: A. Choose the correct answer.

24. She made a big mistake and gave up her job. She wishes that she ………up her job.
a. had given
b. gave
c. hadn’t given
d.wouldnt give

25. She felt tired …….. she was cooking the dinner.

26. The doctor asked the patient to ………out his tongue.

27.who threw away the records all over the floor?
a. throws them away
b. throws away them
c. threw them away
d.threw away them

28.Father warned Ramin……..too near the lions cage in the zoo. go
b. not to go
c.dont go d.going

29.The policeman ……..the driver to obey traffic rules more attentively.
a. invited

30. He wanted to know if I …. The film the previous day.

a.will enjoy
b. would enjoy
c. has enjoyed
d.had enjoyed

31. We could have baker more cookies if we…..not run out of sugar.

24.(c) hadn’t given
28.(b) not to go
30.(d)had enjoyed
31.(a) had

B.Complete the reported sentences. Suppose you are reporting them some time later.

32. Nader said, I am goin away tomorrow, mother.
Nader told his mother…………

33. They asked us: where did you go last week?
They asked us ………………….

32. Nader told his mother (that) he was going away the following day.
33. They asked us where we had gone the preveious week.

C. Rewirte the sentences using – ing verb phrase or having + pp

34. I was short of money. I couldn’t afford to buy the computer.

35. The President got off the car. Then he attended important meeting.

34. Being short of money, I couldn’t afford to buy the computer.
35.Having gotten/got off the car,the president attended the important meeting.

D. Complete the sentence based on the situation given.

36. He couldn’t type the letter because he wasn’t table to work with a computer.
If he ………………………………….

36. If he had been able to work with a computer, he could have typed the letter.

Iv- Language function :
Match column A with column B There is one extra item in B

37. can you come over on Saturday?
38. which platfotm does the train leave form?
39. which bus do I take to go to veaal street?
40. Im calling about your advertisement.
41. what does your watch look like?
42.How often does the university bus leave?
43. would you like to have lunch in that French restaurant?
44. That’s more than I wanted to spend.

a. Its got a black leather strap.
b. you want a number 14.
c. what would you like to know.
d. Let me get you a cheaper one.
e. Im afraid I can’t. I have a lot of work to do.
f. Id prefers somewhere quieter.
g. what a pity!
h.Every half hour.
i. Three


V – pronunciation:
A. which of the following word : has a different stress pattern.

45 . a. person
b. direction
c. income

46. a. reasonable


B. In each set fot words one is different from the others according to its vowel sound write different items on the answer sheet.

47. a . box
b. got
c. law
d. stop

48 . a.add
b. laugh
c. back

49. which of the following sentences has a differenet intonation pattern?
a. why did he leave?
b. The story was tragic
c. He said it was pretty
d. Have you seen the movie?

49 (d)

VI – Reading comprehension:
A. check the correct answer.

50. Mashhad is usually invaded by pilgrims in the summer. The sentence means that ………….
a) people mostly visit mashhad in the summer.
b) pilgrims attack the people of mashhad
c) summer is not a suitable time for pilgrims to visit
d) pilgrims attack the city in summer

51. The amount of space human being claim around their bodies is not the same for people in cities, used to crowds and people brought up in the contry who require a larger a personal territory. We understhand from the above sentence that people living in ...
a) villages need a large territory
b) villages are used to living in crowded areas
c) cities need a larger personal territory
d) cities and villages need the same personal territory

52. Although the work given to the children is often light, it involves serious risks to their health.
The above sentences tells us that children…………..
a) like dangerous jobs
b) are serious in their work
c) work in safe conditions
d)have easy but dangerous jobs

53. Today we know that even an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmoshpero to eight times its present value will produce an increase of temperature of only two degrees centigrade. The above sentence means that increase in the content of carbon dioxide………………..
a) may disturb the spread of carbon dioxide.
b) may cool down the earth only two degrees centigrade.
c) will bring about much change in the heat balance.
d) will not cause much change in the heat balance.

B. Read the following passage and answer the questions.

The first true piece of sports equipment that man invented was a ball. In ancient Egypt, as everywhere, throwing stones was a favorite childrens game. But a badly thrown rock could hurt a child. Lookinig for something less dangerous to throw, the Egyptains made what were probably the first balls. At first , balls were made of grass or leaves held together by pieces of rope. Later they were made of pieces of animal skin which were joined together and were filled with feathers or dry grass. Even though the Egyptins were interested and skilled in fighting wars, they found time for peaceful games. Befor long they had developed a number of ball games, each with its own set of rules. Perhaps they played ball more for instruction than for fun. Ball playing was thought of mainly as a way to teach young men the speed and skill they would need for war.

54. Did the people play the ball games just for the fun of it?

55. why did the Egyptians make balls from materials other rock?

56. The Egyptians thought ball playing was ……….
a. undesirable
c. not enjoyable

57. According to the passage Egyptians were………..people.
a. friendly

58. The ball was probably invented because…….
a. throwing stones often caused injuries
b. throwing stones was not fun
c. games with stones did not have rules
d. rocks were too heavy to throw

59. According to the passaed the Egyptians played………
a. many different games with balls
b. many different kinds of games
c. only one ball game
d. different games with similar rules.


54. No, They played ball more for instruction than for fun.
55. They were looking for something less dangers.
(or) A badly thrown rock could hurt a child.

Ture / False

60 . Ball playing games were invented in ancient Egypt
a. True
b. false

61.In every part of the world throwing stone was a favourite childrens game.
a. True
b. false

60.(b) false

cloze passage: Fill in the blanks with best options.

Water is mans most important natural resource. He ___62 it for drinking and home use, farming,______63 to run his machines. Fishing, relaxation and _____64 for boating. Bt usable water is not as ____65 as the need for it. For centuries men have ____66 each other over the right to ____67the rivers and seas which are so ____68 to life . Becaues the earth water ___69 dosent exixt in equal amount in each area. One area ___70 from flood while another is dry and still another has suitable___71. Mans efforts to control water has not always been____72. Although in some areas great ___73have been made, and desert regions have become green, in other areas the balance of nature has been disturbed.

62. a. requires

63. a. figure

64. a.while

65. a. urgent

66. a. fought

67. a. waste

68. a. manual

69. a.capacity

70. a.dissolves

71. a.collection

72. a.restful

73. a.employments

62. (a)

روزانه علوم تجربي و انساني

كلمه هاي ناقص جمله هاي زير را كامل كنيد و در پاسخنامه بنويسيد.

1/2. These collecions of aerosolsr_ flect the suns heat and therefore c_ _ se the Earth to cool.

3/4. sometimes a wh_ le family group is employed , with the pa_ment to a parent or a relative.

5/6.The main party fol_o_s the advance party. They carry a radio tele_ _ one and more supplies.

از گروه كلمه هاي داده شده زير كلمه مناسب هر جملات را انتخاب كنيد و در پاسخنامه بنويسيد.

Attended – zone – referee – victim – employed – located – disturb – mental – overactive – supplier – mobile
7. The captain asked for a (n)…. Because one of the players was injured.
8. she opened the door quietly so as not to …..the sleeping child.
9. Many people have ….. the club since we reduced the price of tickets.
10. The fireman had to enter the danger ……to save the little son.
11.My father works 16 hours a day.He is a (n) ….to save the little son.
12.The ambulance took the….. of the car accident to the hospital.
13. A…… is a person,company, or a country that provides you with goods or requirements.
14.Our school is…… in the north of the city.
15. when soldiers are at war ….. kitchens cook food for them.
16. Doing maths needs a lot of …..acivity.

Word definition:

از ستون B كلمه مناسب تعريف ستون A را انتخاب كنيد و در پاسخنامه بنويسيد.

17. change in the boys conition that is a sign of illness.
18.say something to someone in speech or writing
19. to move (sth) to a later time
20 . give somebody something that is needed
21. having a large population
22. begin a journey,a race , etc.

A. delay
B. address
C. overcorowded
D. set off
E. injury
F. supply
G. symptom

پاسخ مناسب را انتخاب كنيد و در پاسخنامه بنويسيد.

23.The student wishes he …………so many mistakes in the dictation last week.
a. hadn’t made
b.hasnt made
c. didn’t make
d. wouldn’t make

24. Im glad we had taken a map with us. We …… lost if we hadent had one.
a. might get
c.may get
d.might have gotten

25. Ive spent too much time on English.
He said that……….too much time on English.
a. he had spent
b.he has spent
c.I have spent
d.I spent

26.The assistant asked us …. Talk near the classroom door.
a. never
b.that not
c.not to
d. don’t

27.The teacher ……him not to waste his time and pay attention to the lesson.
a. promised
c. because

28.I was walking home in the rain. I got wet.
I got wet ………. Walking home in the rain.
a. while

29. walking along the street,……..
a.Ali saw a close friend
b. it started to rain heavily
c. the street was very crowded
d.ther was a terrible accident

30. Having …….his homework, he haded it in to the teaccher.
c. to do

31. pick ….. all the pieces of paper you have dropred.
b.up do

32. He said ……a hotel, we looked for a restaurant to have dinner.
a. finding find
c.Having found
d. we found

جملات ناقص را كامل كنيد و در پاسخنامه بنويسيد.

33. Jim was playing tennis. He hurt his arm.

34. It is raining . I wish it………because we are going out tomorrow.(stop)
The climbers asked me………………….

35.where did you camp yesterday?
The climbers asked me……………………

36. Reza to his friend : would you like to come to the cinema with us?
Reza invited his friend ………………..

37.we had spent nearly all our money. We had to leave the hotel.(Having)

38.How long does the meeting last?
Do you know…………………..?

39. My frien is always tired because he goes to bed late.
I wish he ……….to bed late any more.

Language fuction:

مكالمه هاي ستون هاي A , B را جور كنيد و در پاسخنامه بنويسيد.

40. Id like to buy a watch.
41. How often does the bus leave?
42. what condition is your bag in?
43. can I try on these shoes, please?
44. How long are you going to be away?
45. Im going to visit my brother in Hamedan.


A.Every ten minutes.
B.My bag is lost.
c.for about two weeks
D.That ll be nice.
E. Its quire old.
F. certainly
G.what make do you want?

Pronunciation :

46.a. supervision
b. reasonable
c. economic
d. publicity

47.a. talk

1 Sentence comprehension:

48.He could have gotten a job easily if he had had a university degree.
a. since he had a university degree, he got a job.
b.He didn’t have a university degree, so he didn’t get a job.
c. He hadn’t had a university degree, but he got a job.
d. Ahthough having a university degree, he didn’t get a job.

49. In most countries young boys and girls are prevented from smoking.
This sentence means that in most countries
a. young grils and boys aren’t allowed to smoke.
b. young grils and boys are allowed to smoke.
c. young boys and grils are forced to smoke.
d. young boys and grils are permitted to smoke.

50. people brought up in the country require a larger personal territory. So if they back away when you are talking to them, they are not being impolite, it is just because you have invaded their personal territory. The above sentence tells us that villagers may move back ward when you talk to them because…..
a. they are impolite
b. they are brought up in the country
c. you may have entered their personal territory
d. their persona territory is smaller than yours

Cloze test :

Very few of us can use both our hands 51 well.
Most of us are right handed.52 about five people out of a hundred ard left handed. New – born 53 can get and take objects with either of their right hands, but about two years 54 their birth they 55 to use their right hands. Scientists 56 think that we receive and get this quality from monkeys. They 57 that monkeys use one of their hands more than the 58 but it can be either hand. There are as many right handed monkeys 59 there are left handed ones. But most human beings see their right hands better and this makes life 60 for left handed people.

51. a. correctly
b, politely

52. a. Lonely
c. Exactly

53. a. adults

54. a. before
b. after

55. a.prefer

56. a.used to
b.had to
c.have to
d.ought to

57. a. found

58. a.another


60. a.expensive

Reading comprehension :

According to some experts, the younger people are basically different from thd older ones. The old no not underdstand all thd problems of the modern world. On the other hand, the younger people have grown up with these problems and are deeply concerned about them. The older people still control the business organization, government and education. They younger people want to make change in these areas to fit the needs of modem society. In order to put an end to their differences, both the older and younger people realize that the world has changed and that new responses are necessary for many problems of the society.

61.According to the passage, the younger and the older people….
a. don’t have the same ideas
b. don’t have different ideas
c. feel equal responsibilities
d. understand each other very well

62.The passage points out that the ….. in the society.
a. younger and the older people are powerful
b. older people are more powerful than younger people
c. younger people don’t like power
d. older people have lost all their powers

63.The older and younger people both agree on ….. the present situation.
d. protecting

64.The younger people are concerned about the problem in the society.( True or False)

65.According to both , older and younger people, what are necessary for many problems of the society?

66.Do the old understand all the problems of the modern world?

67. Who are still in charge of the official organizations?

68. why do the younger people want to make changes?